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in progress

The Graduate Center (CUNY)

PhD Student


Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Language and civilization of Asia and Mediterranean Africa (MA)


Cagliari University

Foreign Languages and Communication (BA) 



Elementary Italian 112

Lehman College (CUNY)

The Structure of Modern English(es) (ENG304)

Lehman College (CUNY)

Teaching Linguistics Across CUNY Campuses

The Graduate Center (CUNY)

Elementary Italian II (ELI102.5220)

LaGuardia Community College (CUNY)


The Phenomena of Language (LNG 150)

Lehman College (CUNY)

Introduction to Linguistics (LNG 246)

Lehman College (CUNY)

Intermediate Italian Grammar (ITA 201)

Lehman College (CUNY)


Internet Linguistics (LNG 3430)

Lehman College (CUNY)

Intermediate Italian Grammar (ITA 201)

Lehman College (CUNY)


Internet Linguistics (LNG 3430)

Lehman College (CUNY)

Elementary Italian II (ITA 112)

Lehman College (CUNY)

Research Assistantships 


Research Foundation

2022 - currently

Conference Talks

Evidentiality and Language Contact: A Case Study of Turkish Children in Berlin

December 2019. SYNC, New York University

Explicit and implicit measures of language dominance in Turkish-English bilinguals

February 2020. BUSCTEL, BoÄŸaziçi Üniversitesi

Comparing dominance measures in bilingual speakers of typologically different languages

April 2022. ConCALL-4, Indiana University

Does Italian dominance affect Sardinian phonology? A case study of Southern Campidanese

September 2022. LABiC, Ca' Foscari University

Language Use Modulates Processing of Island Constraints in Heritage Language Speakers

May 2023. Heritage Languages at the Crossroads (HL@Cross), Ä°stanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi. Martohardjono, G., Johns, M., Castillo, D., Franciotti, P., Porru, I. , Lowry, C.


Colloquium Organiser 

2021-2022. The Graduate Center (CUNY). 

Editorial assistant

(Spring 2022) for Cutler, C., Ahmar, M., and Bahri, W. (eds.) 2022. Digital orality: vernacular writing in online spaces. Palgrave. 

(2023) Guttman Community College (CUNY)

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